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Masked Men Break Into Twink's Apartment & Use Him

Date 31 Oct 2022
Time 01:03
Views 161
Rating 3.0 (1 votes)

Actors: Andre Cruise

Studio: Viktor Rom

Tags: , , , ,

Description: In the early hours of Halloween, Andre Cruise is taking a shower and suddenly he begins to hear knocks on the door and the presence of something or something evil, surprise when he sees himself in the mirror and sees a skull watching him so he screams in horror and runs out of the bathroom and he goes into bed scared until he sees some feet on the curtains and goes over to touch them and screams with shock so two males with skull faces come out of the bed and want to fuck him, so they take him between the two of them and they destroy her Ass, and they double penetrate her and then each one ejaculates in her mouth.

Category: Gay Fucking, Gay Sex

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